Journal Articles(期刊论文)

 “质形论的兴起与当代心灵哲学”《中国社会科学》12, 2024, 142-59 [作者版]

Between Saying and Doing: Aristotle, Speusippus, and the Evaluation of Pleasure”, Apeiron, 2024, (ahead-of-print) [Proof]

“‘Every Perception is Accompanied by Pain!’: Theophrastus’ criticism of Anaxagoras”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 61(4), 2023, 559-83 [Preprint][A discussion]

Aristotle and the Pain of Animals: Nicomachean Ethics 1154b7–9”, The Classical Quarterly 73(1), 101-108, 2023 [Preprint]

Speusippus, Teleology, and the Metaphysics of Value: Theophrastus’ Metaphysics 11a18-26”, Journal of Hellenic Studies, (140), 2020, 143175 [Preprint]

Aristotle and Eudoxus on Argument from Contraries”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 102(4), 2020, 588-618 [Proof]

Neutral, Natural and Hedonic State in Plato”, Mnemosyne, 72 (4), 2019, 525-49 [Proof]

Aristotle’s Vocabulary of Pain”, Philologus, 163 (1), 2019, 47-71 [Proof]

Dyschereia and Aporia: The Formation of a Philosophical Term”, TAPA 148 (1), 2018, 75-110 [Proof]

A Battle Against Pain?: Aristotle, Theophrastus and the Physiologoi”, Phronesis (62), 2017, 392-416 [Proof]

 “尼采的柏拉图以巴塞尔柏拉图讲义为中心《中国学术》34),商务印书馆,201651-102. “Nietzsche’s ‘Platonism’: A Study on his Basel Lectures on Plato” [Download]

柏拉图释义问题《中国学术》28),商务印书馆,201189-171“Problems of Interpreting Plato”, China Scholarship 28, 89-171in Chinese [Download]

Book Chapters(书籍章节/ 会议论文)

“Anecdotes and Ethics: Theophrastus, Parrhasius, and the Forms of Life” in R. Mayhew, O. Hellmann, A. Zucker (eds.), Peripatetic Ethics in Theophrastus and After, Routledge, forthcoming. 

Between Aristotle and Stoicism: Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Varieties of Pain”, in D. King and H. Baltussen eds., Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings: Studies in the Representation of Physical and Mental Suffering, Leiden: Brill, 2023, 176-204

什么是古代哲学:一个引导,载于《西方古典学论纲》,彭小瑜主编 ‘What is Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction’, in Handbook of Western Classical Studies, ed. by Peng Xiaoyu, forthcoming [Draft]

 “Alexander of Aphrodisias on Pleasure and Pain in Aristotle”, in W. Harris ed., Pleasure and Pain in Classical Times, Leiden: Brill, 2018, 174-200 [Proof]

口传性、书写性与哲学对尼采的巴塞尔柏拉图讲义的一个评注载于《从文本到思想》韩水法编北京大学出版社 2015348-68‘Orality, Writing and Philosophy: a Remark on Nietzsche’s Introduction to Plato’, in Han Shuifa (ed.), From Texts to Thoughts, Peking University Press


Book Reviews(书评)

刘皓明《荷尔德林后期诗歌上中下华东师大出版社 2009),载于“制造语文学”,《中国学术》38,商务印书馆,2017248-73 [Download]

M. Krewet: Die Theorie der Gefühle bei Aristoteles (Heidelberg 2011) in The Classical Review 66, 2016, 62-4 [Download]

R. Mayhew: Prodicus the Sophist: Texts, Translations, and Commentary (Oxford 2011) ,载于《中国学术》35, 2016, 472-87 [Download]

R. Scodel (ed.): Between Orality and Literacy: Communication and Adaptation in Antiquity (Leiden, 2014) in The Classical Review 66, 2016, 5-7 [Download]

先刚《柏拉图的本原学说》北京大学出版社 2014),载于《希腊罗马哲学研究》(1华东师大出版社2016345-79 [Download]

A. Schmitt: Aristoteles Poetik (Berlin 2008) ,载于《中国学术》32),商务印书馆2012345-63 [Download]


康拉德·盖瑟:柏拉图与历史,《清华西方哲学研究》2016 (1), 477-503

托马斯·A·斯勒扎克:口头辩证法与书写游戏:论《斐德若》,《清华西方哲学研究》2016 (1), 548-565

Marie-Luise Haase, “尼采1885年之后的遗稿编订”,载于《从文本到思想》,韩水法编,北京大学出版社2015291-308(简版《现代哲学》 2010 (3): 94-98

托马斯·A·斯勒扎克:《读柏拉图》(Platon Lesen),译林出版社,2009


Miscellaneous (其他)

2024 “纪念T. A. 斯勒扎克教授” (将载于《外国哲学》2024)[Draft]

2023  “纪念Michael Franz教授” (将载于《努斯:希腊罗马哲学研究》2024)[Draft]

2022 “Brill作者对谈:古典学(与 冼若冰[Download]

2022 “访谈:因古典而现代” [Download]

2017 “访谈:在古典学与哲学之间” [Download]


PhD Thesis(博士论文)

Pleasure and Pain in Context: Aristotle and his contemporaries, Humboldt-University of Berlin, 2015

Works in Progress

1.  A Chinese translation of Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium, with introduction and notes, a book contract with Shiji Wenjing (世纪文景), Shanghai

2.  Doing Ancient Philosophy, a book contract with Peking University Press (北京大学出版社)

3.  A monograph on pain and unpleasure in Plato and Aristotle

4.  A paper on Aristotle’s zoology (under review)

5.   “亚里士多德的质形论与当代的身心难题” [draft]